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Home GM / EMD / Progress Rail JT42CWR(M/-T1) / Class 66 Beacon Rail Leasing Class 66
Bombardier 34843 - RheinCargo "DE 802"
22.01.2017 - Boxtel [NL]
Siemens 21033 - LTE "2016 903-4"
19.02.2017 - Ljubljana [SLO]
Stadler 2851 - DRS "88001"
22.02.2017 - Sagunto [E]
Stadler 2858 - DRS "88008"
22.02.2017 - Sagunto [E]
88008 Ariadne waiting to be loaded onto the vessel Eemslift Nelli at Sagunto for its journey to Workington, UK. Almost hidden beyond it is 88005 Minerva and to its right is 88003 Genesis