17.09.2009 -
in service
26.10.2009 -
delivered to Ox-traction (Locomotives) N.V., Roosendaal [NL]
[NVR: "92 80 1264 008-4 D-OX"] |
26.10.2009 - 10.12.2009
hired to MEG - Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH, Schkopau [D]
06.04.2010 - __.__.201x
hired to BLP Wiebe Logistik GmbH, Achim [D]
[NVR: "92 80 1264 008-4 D-VTLT"] |
__.__.2011 - __.__.2011
hired to LOCON LOGISTIK & CONSULTING AG, Oberuckersee [D]
[NVR: "92 80 1264 008-4 D-VTLT"] |
06.05.2011 -
sold to hvle - Havelländische Eisenbahn AG, Berlin-Spandau [D]
"V 490.3" [NVR: "92 80 1264 008-4 D-HVLE"] [Day of transfer] |
__.04.2022 -
sold to Rail STM Sp. z o.o., Tychy [PL]
"V 490.3" [NVR: "92 80 1264 008-4 D-STM"] |