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22.04.2023 - [IT] CZ LOKO delivers another EffiShunter 1000 to Italy

Home 22.04.2023 - [IT] CZ LOKO delivers another EffiShunter 1000 to Italy

CZ LOKO has completed and delivered another EffiShunter 1000 for an Italian customer. Loco 744 148-8 was delivered to TPER S.A. in the first months of 2023 and is operated by Dinazzano Po S.A.

13.11.2024 - [CZ/IT] CZ LOKO dispatches more locos to Italy
08.11.2024 - [CZ] CEPRO orders EffiShunter 1000 locos
21.03.2024 - [CZ] EffiShunter 1000 for Hrochostroj
27.09.2023 - [CZ] CZ LOKO to deliver EffiShunter 1000 to DB Cargo Czechia
10.07.2023 - [CZ/IT] CZ LOKO delivers 741.7 and EffiShunter 1000 to Italy