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Bombardier 33803 - TRAINOSE "220 032"
12.10.2014 - Ligaria [GR]
After 10 months from her accident, 220032 is again in service. Here pulling InterCity service to Athens.
EMD 20018342-4 - FPL "66605"
03.08.2011 - Rogoźnica [PL]
EMD 20028453-1 - RheinCargo "DE 668"
26.07.2014 - Ingolstadt [D]
EMD 20068864-042 - MEG "247 042-5"
27.09.2014 - Berlin-Wuhlheide [D]
EMD 968702-81 - DB Schenker "66081"
08.07.2014 - Barnetby [GB]
66081 powers the return empty iron ore tipplers from TATA steelworks Scunthorpe to Immingham Docks for reloading.
GEC Alsthom 1981 - SBB "Am 841 003-7"
Siemens 21282 - WLE "22"
18.09.2014 - Berlin-Wuhlheide [D]
Vossloh 2353 - SNCF "460053"
17.09.2014 - Saint-Jory, Triage [F]