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[FR/NL] Locomotives that did not enter service: Veolia Class 66s [Updated]

Home GM / EMD / Progress Rail JT42CWR(M/-T1) / Class 66 Akiem Class 66 [FR/NL] Locomotives that did not enter service: Veolia Class 66s [Updated]

This week we received some interesting pictures of Veolia 77501 - 77503, which were caught on camera in the Tilburg [NL] workshops on 17.11.2009 by Rob Quaedvlieg. At the Tilburg workshops various Class 66 locomotives were adjusted to meet customer requirements. The same goes for this three units, which received safety systems for France, Belgium and Germany.

Although the locos were delivered by EMD in Veolia corporate colors, they've never entered service with Veolia in France. In 2011 the locomotives were sold to Akiem, which now leases them to VFLI.