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[DE] RDC Autozug Sylt acquires 2x Vectron DE

Home Siemens Vectron DE RDC Autozug Sylt Vectron DE [DE] RDC Autozug Sylt acquires 2x Vectron DE

Vectron DE locomotive 247 908 is one of two locomotives sold to RDC Autozug Sylt. Hired to SBB Cargo International at time, 247 908 'Debbie' awaits its next train at Singen on 22 August 2017. Picture by Thomas Naas.

According to a press announcement issued by RDC Autozug Sylt, Siemens has sold two Vectron DE locomotives to RDC Autozug Sylt for its car shuttle trains between Niebüll and Westerland (Sylt). The first locomotive, numbered 247 908, is to arrive in the weekend of 11-12 November. The loco will be used for training purposes for several weeks and used in commercial service at year's end at the latest. A second Vectron DE locomotive with the number 247 909 will be delivered in June 2018.

Artist impression of a Vectron DE locomotive in the blue Autozug Sylt colour scheme. Image by RDC Autozug Sylt.